Monday, October 28, 2019

Student Resources Worksheet Essay Example for Free

Student Resources Worksheet Essay Student resources include a variety of helpful sites and tools that can be of assistance when completing assignments, connecting to other students, and searching for careers. Complete this table regarding student resources provided by the university. In the first column, identify where the resource can be found. In the second column, summarize each resource in at least one sentence. When you are finished with the matrix, answer the follow-up question in part B. Part A: Resources Scavenger Hunt Student resource Where found Summary of the resource Syllabus Home section Lets you know all of your tasks and assignments and what is required of you to do throughout your whole course Class Policies Class Home Tells you the academic and instructor policies University Library Library Has a variety of resources and links to help us as students. We can also search for a variety of things. University Academic Catalog Program Contains academis program and policies effective to your program University Learning Goals

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